Monday, 13 October 2014

Dance Rehearsal

We sent out an email to the dancers to make sure they confirm  their availability for a rehearsal

Liv and Harry
We thought it would be a good idea to get on top of the routine before half term. So we emailed our two dancers on Sunday evening to have a rehearsal on the Monday.
At first, we let them listen to the song so they could get to terms with the rhythm and pace of the track. Then we showed them the videos of the two different routines, to give them our perspective on their role. Then for the next hour they started creating snippets of routines they could do. Liv and Harry work really well together and for the first rehearsal we got a lot done, so as a group we feel confident with this element. Already we can see lots of interesting shots during their routine. We will probably have another rehearsal before we break up for half term, just so we can create a little more before

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